Chapter Survey

Thank you for participating in our Solomon Program Improvement Survey. Your feedback is invaluable to us. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts on various aspects of the program. Your input will help us improve both the program and your experience running it.
Name (optional)
How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the program? (1 ineffective, 5 very effective)
How would you rate the time commitment, workload, and responsibilities of the Chapter Administrators? (1 unreasonable, 5 reasonable)
Would you prefer a less comprehensive program that would require less management?
Would you prefer more autonomy managing tasks and running the program, with less involvement from Head Office?
How satisfied are you with the efficiency and organization of the backend process, including systems like ClickUp, the chapter access page, the homework access, etc.? (1 unsatisfied, 5 very satisfied)
How would you rate the level of support you received from Solomon Head Office? (1 unsatisfied, 5 very satisfied)
How would you describe the ease or difficulty of Fellow Recruitment in the program? (1 very difficult, 5 reasonable)
How would you describe the ease or difficulty of securing Mentors and Guest Speakers for the program? (1 very difficult, 5 reasonable)
How satisfied are you with the content provided in the program? (1 unsatisfied, 5 very satisfied)
Do you feel the value of the program justifies the cost? (1 unjustified, 5 justified)
How do you feel about the branding and marketing of the program?