A disciple once came to his teacher, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, and poured his heart out, explaining his many problems and concerns. After listening patiently, his teacher replied, “You have articulated what you need, but not what you are needed for”. —JLI Portraits of Leadership
There are many tools, questionnaires and infographics online that can help you. Feel free to choose the guide that speaks to you the most, or use the one provided at this link, which was formulated especially for teens: http://www.seancovey.com/pdf/teens/The_Great_Discovery.pdf When you are done, write your mission statement in the quiz below. Most guidelines suggest keeping…
In Stephen Covey’s book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, the second habit is to “Begin with the end in mind”. Read this short summary in Stephen’s own words about the second habit: So, what do you want to be when you grow up? That question may appear a little trite, but think about…