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Post Closing Session for Fellows
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Mentor's Name
How well did the closing session help you reflect on your growth and accomplishments throughout the program? Please elaborate if you’d like.
Not at all
A little bit
It helped but was nothing special
I enjoyed it a lot but felt it could have had more to it
It was amazing!
Please elaborate on your answer here.
What aspects of the closing session did you find most valuable or impactful?
Listening to other fellows’ reflections
Being able to share my own reflections
Listening to the mentors’ reflections
Completing the closing exercises in my mentor-fellow group
Sharing reflections (my own and others) in my mentor-fellow group
Other-elaborate below
Elaborate on your answer here.
Did the Closing Session provide a meaningful conclusion to your experience in the program?
Yes, I feel a sense of meaningful conclusion.
No, I do not feel like the program had a clear conclusion and closure
Other – I will elaborate below
Please elaborate on why or why not here.
Did the closing session leave you feeling inspired or motivated for future growth and development? Why or why not?